
To Order: Call: 800.828.7626 • Fax: 716.871.0550 • 21 Super Micro Super Micro Screw 125-019 6mm The small size of this screw makes it possible to place it in either arch where slight movement is needed. Super Micro Sectional Screw 125-020 3mm (top) 125-021 3mm (bottom) Suitable as a sectional screw and for single tooth movement. The U-shaped guide pin assures high stability. All Leone Screws come with plastic arrows incorporated into the body to indicate direction of opening, a plastic retention tab for easy placement during acrylicing, and a metal expansion key. 9mm L x 4.6mm W x 2.5mm D 10mm L x 4.6mm W x 2.5mm D 11mm L x 4.5mm W x 2.5mm D Reg. $9.40 Series 134 11mm L x 7.2mm W x 3.1mm D 120-001 Reg. $7.30 Expansion: 7mm 120-003 Reg. $16.10 Expansion: 3mm Individual Tooth Moving Expansion Screws 9.5mm L x 4.7mm W x 2.5mm D 120-004 Reg. $19.95 Expansion: 5mm Bent U-shaped Guide Pin 13mm L x 6.4mm W x 3mm D 120-005 Reg. $19.95 Expansion: 5mm Straight U-shaped Guide Pin 13mm L x 6.4mm W x 3mm D 120-006 Reg. $11.50 Expansion: 7mm 11mm L x 9.8mm W x 3.3mm D Series 150 Upper 120-002 Reg. $9.95 Expansion: 5mm 10mm L x 6.4mm W x 3mm D Series 130 Universal These screws have easy-to-see directional arrows, a plastic retention tab for easy placement during acrylicing, and a metal expansion key. 14.5mm L x 9.8mm W x 3.3mm D 120-010 Reg. $12.50 Expansion: 11mm 11mm Midline Expander Perfect for the nickel-sensitive patient. Used in upper or lower expansion due to its small size. 11mm L x 7.2mm W x 3.1mm D 120-012 Reg. $16.15 Expansion: 7mm Pure Titanium Screw Series 100 Universal Forestadent Standard Expansion Screws You can track the status of your lab case online at