Made of stainless steel and biomedical techno- polymer, the Leone POP® screws feature self-centering rectangular guides ensuring a biomechanical and controlled symmetrical expansion. Available in: • Upper and universal styles • 8mm and 9mm expansion • 12mm and 14mm sizes • Green, yellow, orange, red, and silver The flat shape and flexibility of the guides allow the gradual release of the expansion with a physiological orthodontic movement. Single Reg. $5.00 Assorted (2/ea) Reg. $42.00 24 To Order: Call: 800.828.7626 • Fax: 716.871.0550 • Every Vector expansion screw allows for exact adjustment, without backing up. Traction Screws For closure of tooth spaces. Black directional arrow on screw housing. 005-010 Expansion: 3.5mm 13.5mm L x 6.2mm W x 3mm D 005-011 Expansion: 6.5mm 18mm L x 6.2mm W x 3mm D Sector Expansion Screws Mini This sector expansion screw has a graceful design, and is suitable for single tooth movement. Items 005-005 and 005-006 have a straight U-shaped guide pin, and on item 005-007 it is angled. 005-005 Expansion: 3.5mm 11mm L x 6.2mm W x 3mm D 005-006 Expansion: 5.5mm 13mm L x 6mm W x 3mm D 005-007 Expansion: 5.5mm 13.3mm L x 6mm W x 3.7mm D Medium Sector expansion screw in stronger version. Item 005-008 has a straight U-shaped guide pin. 005-008 Expansion: 5.5mm 13mm L x 7.5mm W x 4mm D Reg. $6.40 Reg. $8.60 Reg. $6.40 Reg. $7.50 Standard Expansion Screws Mini For transverse and distal expansion of the lower jaw. Notches on guide pins prevent screw from exceeding maximum expansion. 005-001 Expansion: 5.5mm 12mm L x 6.2mm W x 3mm D Reg. $5.00 Medium For transverse and distal expansion of the lower jaw. Notches on guide pins prevent screw from exceeding maximum expansion. 005-002 Expansion: 6mm 12mm L x 7.5mm W x 3.3mm D 005-003 Expansion: 7mm 14.3mm L x 7.5mm W x 3.3mm D Reg. $5.00 Maxi Stable expansion screws used for transverse expansion of the upper jaw and bimaxillary appliances. Additional retention holes in the housing of the screws for maximum retention in the acrylic. 005-004 Expansion: 8mm 14.3mm L x 9.8mm W x 3.1mm D Scheu Vector Expansion Screws Leone POP® Expansion Screws