
To Order: Call: 800.828.7626 • Fax: 716.871.0550 • 33 Scheu Setup Saw For cutting all types of stone and plaster. Very fine blades are excellent for removing teeth for setups. Includes (1) of each size blade. Re g . 3 mm Setup Saw 095-006 $38.10 Whip Mix Mounting Plaster Specially formulated plaster that expands much less than normal plasters. It is soft and easy to shape on model trimmers and simple to separate from articulator mounting plate. Final set is 5-6 min. Reg. 33lbs 215-037 $49.95 Modern Materials Denstone Produces an extremely smooth cast assuring accuracy and exact reproductive qualities. Very hard and durable material; good for pouring denture impressions. Reg. 50lbs Golden 215-007 $92.60 50lbs White 215-004 $92.60 25lbs Golden 215-006 $58.25 25lbs White 215-019 $58.25 Whip Mix Mounting Stone Excellent for mounting casts on articulators. Sets quickly and doesn’t expand as much as similar materials, minimizing distortion. Reg. 33lbs 215-033 $62.50 100g (100/pkg) 215-010 $98.75 Orthodontic Plaster A perfect blend to give maximum break-resistant strength with the ultimate in whiteness. Perfect for study models. Reg. Great Lakes (25lbs) 215-001 $47.35 Great Lakes (50lbs) 215-002 $70.50 Modern Mat. (50lbs) 215-022 $92.60 Whip Mix (33lbs) 215-036 $45.80 Additional Plaster and Stones: Whip Mix Reg. Silky-Rock White (33lbs) 215-031 $56.75 Silky-Rock Yellow 70g (20/pkg) 215-011 $122.00 Silky-Rock White 70g (120/pkg) 215-012 $120.00 Snap-Stone Pink (33lbs) 215-035 $88.50 Blue ResinRock 5g (11lbs) 215-023 $55.50 Orthodontic Stone (33lbs) 215-034 $46.20 Modern Materials Die-Keen Green (25lbs) 215-008 $121.70 L & R Plaster & Stone Remover (1gal) 245-007 $58.00 Kit Includes: One 1.5 Gallon Bottle, 6 syringes WonderAdmix® A powerful and concentrated de-bubblizer and hardener for all die stone, buffstone, and plaster. • Easy to pour • Creates a smoother stone • Resists chipping and fractures • Increases strength, hardness, and density • Controls shrinkage and expansion • Provides great accuracy and fine margins 215-027 Reg. $41.55 Eliminates the need for surfactants. Model Lustre Mild non-yellowing liquid for adding a high lustre to plaster study models. 1 gallon 210-099 Reg.$62.50 Customers tell us Model Lustre is the best model soap they’ve ever used! Wonderfill™ Improve model appearance faster and easier. Ideal as a tongue and void filler. Molds easily and quickly to create tongue area or to fill-in gaps or bubbles in the impression. No mixing, rinses away with water. 51oz tub Plaster & Stone 215-003 Reg. $67.00