To Order: Call: 800.828.7626 • Fax: 716.871.0550 • 37 Flattened, soft 8-braided wire. Easy to adapt and prevents inadvertent tooth movement associated with active force wires. Greatly enhances permanent retention and is excellent for splinting periodontally compromised teeth. Can also be used for holding diastemas closed. 6" lengths 10/tube 065-045 Reg. $60.80 Bond-a-Braid® Kit Includes: (1) Flow Tain® 1.5g Syringe, (10) 19 Gauge tips, (10) 6" Strands of Economy wire 065-055 Reg. $82.95 Bond-a-Braid® Economy Brand Pure titanium, single strand, nickel-free wire. More resilient to breaking and fraying and provides increased interproximal strength. Also ideal for semi-permanent splinting and maintaining difficult extraction sites. 6" lengths 10/tube Retainium® Superior Brand 065-050 Reg. $51.22 Retainium® Bonded Lingual Retainer Kit Includes: (1) Flow Tain® 1.5g Syringe, (10) 19 Gauge tips, (10) 6" Strands of Superior wire 065-056 Reg. $84.50 Reliance Bonded Lingual Retainer Wire Great Lakes Super Gold 1" Finishing Buff - Medium Used in a lab handpiece or lathe to smooth trimmed appliance edges. Great for mouthguard (EVA) and invisible retainer material. 086-045 12/pkg Reg. $25.00 Osamu Polisher For final polishing of hard/ soft foils. 085-057 2/pkg Reg. $24.30 Reliance Assure® Plus Bonding Resin Adheres to virtually all surfaces including ceramic, zirconium, and crowns. (6cc) 065-046 Reg. $119.20 Reliance GoTo® Adhesive This light cure bracket adhesive bonds to any enamel, porcelain, composite, or metal surface when properly conditioned. Excellent bond strength and prevents bracket flotation once placed on the tooth or during flash removal. Reliance GoTo® Adhesive 4g 065-052 Reg. $38.45 Syringe Tips 4g (10/pkg) 065-053 Reg. $44.95 OrVance® Aligner Pontics OrVance® Aligner Pontics are specifically designed to fill the space of missing (or partially missing) teeth in clear aligner trays and retainers during orthodontic treatment and dental procedures. 16/box, 6 boxes/pkg 260-040 Reg. $94.95 Perfect-A-Smile® Pontic Paint Perfect-A-Smile® Pontic Paint, a light cure paste available in a variety of shades, applies smoothly to clear aligner sockets, is translucent to match enamel, and bonds to any clear aligner. 4g each Reg. $46.50 Shade A-1 065-057 Shade A-3.5 065-059 Shade A-2 065-058 Shade B-1 065-060