42 To Order: Call: 800.828.7626 • Fax: 716.871.0550 • GLDT.com Leaf Gauge Used in the diagnosis of TMJ and related problems. Made of durable white plastic. Autoclavable. 13mm wide. 056-045 3/pkg Reg. $44.50 ACU-fl ow™ Bite Registration Material Kit (6 cartridges/12 tips) 100-005 Reg. $168.95 48 Dispensing Tips 100-006 Reg. $47.85 The hardest bite registration material available! ACU-fl ow™ Bite Impression Material Light Body (6 cartridges/12 tips) 160-012 Reg. $147.70 Medium Body (6 cartridges/12 tips) 160-017 Reg. $147.70 Heavy Body (6 cartridges/12 tips) 160-013 Reg. $147.70 Rigid (Triple) Tray (6 cartridges/12 tips) 160-014 Reg. $147.70 Advanced formula technology hydrophilic vinyl poly siloxane Lucia Jigs Helps obtain centric relation by deprogramming muscles and allowing the condyles to seat in the most superior position. Photo shows Class I, Standard Jigs and Class II Jigs. A variety of bite registration material can be used to fit the Lucia Jig such as ACCU-flow™ PVS material. Lucia Jig Kit 18 Class I Jigs & 6 Class II Jigs 255-025 Reg. $101.15 Class I (Standard): 255-021 12/pkg Reg. $54.05 255-023 24/pkg Reg. $101.15 Class II: 255-022 6/pkg Reg. $27.60 Whale Tails Used in conjunction with the Lucia Jig, the plastic Whale Tail helps level to the occlusal plane. Cold sterilize. 255-035 3/pkg Reg. $45.95 Great Lakes TMJ Demonstrator Our Temporomandibular Joint Demonstrator utilizes three upper jaw inserts to demonstrate normal function, as well as anterior and posterior slide dysfunction. Comes complete with inserts that reposition lower jaw to correct TMJ function, including examples of a typical flat plane splint and anterior deprogrammer. Ideal for patient education. Scratch resistant model with magnetized inserts assures easy demonstration and convenient storage. 255-012 Reg. $228.80