To Order: Call: 800.828.7626 • Fax: 716.871.0550 • 5 HOW THE RHEA® OCCLUSAL APPLIANCE WORKS The Rhea® can be easily seated with li le or no adjustments. Simply heat the appliance in boiling water for 12 seconds and have the patient close into it. The low profile design of the appliance makes it comfortable for the patient to wear. This appliance has all the benefits of a traditional splint, but the ease of a boil and bite appliance. THE RHEA® PRECISION CUSTOM FIT OCCLUSAL APPLIANCE MOST ACCURATE FIT EXCEPTIONAL RETENTION IMPROVED PATIENT COMFORT FLAT OCCLUSAL PLANE SPLINT FULL CONTACT WITH ANTERIOR GUIDANCE SPLINT Ideal for bruxing patients to protect against wear as well as to protect veneers and restorations. Ideal for patients with occlusal muscle disorder or certain intracapsular disorders. Provides immediate disclusion of posterior teeth (ramp provides guidance). Also ideal for patients with occlusal muscle disorder or certain intracapsular disorders. WEARGUARD SPLINT DIGITALLY DESIGNED SUPERIOR FIT & COMFORT RETENTIVE LOW PROFILE DESIGN The Nylon Sleep Herbst®*, featuring an aesthetically favorable white medicalgrade nylon, is an extremely durable and strong appliance that also offers uniquely flexible properties. • Precise engagement of the undercuts • Uniquely strong, flexible, & durable • Digitally designed for accuracy & precision fit • PDAC approved | 2-year warranty *PATENT PENDING *Herbst is a registered trademark of Dentaurum, Inc.