
6 To Order: Call: 800.828.7626 • Fax: 716.871.0550 • The power of a good night'ssleep Empower yourself to help your patients *Herbst is a registered trademark of Dentaurum, Inc. dreamTAP™ Custom flex TAP™ TAP® 1 TAP® 3 A single point of midline adjustment prevents uneven bilateral adjustment that may create an irregular bite and jaw discomfort. As the first custom TAP with no metal parts, flexTAP is customized for personal comfort and equipped with a selfadjuster for at-home ease. The original TAP appliance with the greatest range of adjustment and an attached adjustment dial. The TAP® 3 appliance features cobalt-chromium hardware. It is stronger than surgical stainless steel, and nickel and beryllium free, removing the risk of an allergic reaction. The TAP® sleep appliances are designed with hardware on the exterior, offering greater tongue space with no obstructions Nylon Sleep Herbst®* Panthera Classic (D-SAD™) Panthera X3™